Monday, 14 January 2013

Fragmentation Theory

As you may be aware Timor Nex has many parts to himself known generally as 'shards', one theory that was bandied around awhile back in the Library, was that due to the nature of the fear of death the human mind divided TN.

The first question asked is usually, what type of death do you fear?
You will come up with many types, ranging from old age, to choking on a piece of food.
Though the main point of this question is to show that there is a plethora of ways you can be afraid to die. Then you add the fear of others around you dying, like children, parents, friends, again multiplying the number of ways you fear death. With the human psyche,  this leads to a specific type of death being the focus of their fear, meaning that there is no one unifying thing the populous fear except the underlying act of dying, and since there are so many types if they were combined in to one then the resulting being may be too unstable, with some conflicting fears of death, (Drowning vs burning alive)possibly accounts for the shattered form of Timor Nex ('Shards').

Let me put it another way. You are aware that Timor Chorda, and Timor Angelus inhabits the body of some of their servants to interact with the physical world. If we look at what fear they have dominion over we may see why they use vessels. Timor Chorda is a fear of being controlled, of someone being in your head controlling your every move, usually an insubstantial master without form. This may be why the 'Wooden Girl' requires these vessels.

With Timor Angelus we have a similar but different form, when the fear of thier dominion is religion and dogma, then it leads to a state where as the individual believe someone can hear the voice of God and be used as a medium through which he acts and Talks but God's 'prophets' are extremely rare, with 'God' appearing in 'Human form' as is seen in a few religions. Probably explaining why we don't see more of the Timor Angelus taking over his servants.

You See in these two examples how maybe what we fear affects the Timors, So back to Timor Nex, as I was saying the different ways an individual fears a specific form of death exclusively therefore making these many 'shards'. However they are not completely unconnected, if the time came, they may be able to join together again, and as a fear of death is the most primal, may make such a Timor basically invincible.

There was an extension of this theory Remember I said in one of my first post's you can't have fear without a fer of death, or pain or some form of malady. Well it comes from an extension of this argument that most fears derive from the primal fear of pain and death that logically all Timors are 'shards' of Timor Nex. This argument however was discounted as mad, with so many near omnipotent beings if they combined then due to the power alone centered around the individual being would result in the universe imploding.

-Librarian Perierat


  1. "with so many near omnipotent beings if they combined then due to the power alone centered around the individual being would result in the universe imploding."

    If you reverse that..

    That Original Fear somehow gets shattered into shards and this causes the big bang which creates the universe...My mind just got blown o .O

    Sounds crazy but who knows, it might be true.I hope not though..

    1. Yes that is a possibility, however, with the universe already in existence if this being came to be the 'gravity' of him caused by his power would either rip it apart or cause it to collapse upon itself.
      -Librarian Perierat
