Monday, 28 January 2013

Personal Post: The book thief

An article was stolen from the Library's  collection last night, an article with the reference MSJ- 143, the culprit is currently unknown owing to a malfunction with the security system. Basically it fucked up, now we have to comb every other article in the entire collection to make sure nothing else has been stolen. The thing is that there was no sign of force entry, fingerprints or any other article being disturbed, I'd put it down to the original  owner of the article if he wasn't in his current state. The only reason we know it was stolen was because I myself wanted to investigate it's contents, only to find it not in it's allocated spot, after querying the system, which said it should be in it's spot as no one had signed on to study it.

I wonder what was in it that it was stolen, I dread to think what potential destruction it can bring in the wrong hands.

*System Invasion-lvl 5
  Action- Forced shut down
  Status- Over ridden
  Action- Forced shut down
  Status- Over ridden
 Action- Subdue threat
  Status- Threat still active
 Action- Destroy threat
  Status- .........
              Target assimilated
  Action- Accommodate Target

Following message is a product of Alpha:

Who are you to decide who the right or wrong hands are?

So this is the authority that acquired my belongings, surprising, I thought they would have put up more of a fight.

This is the authority who have decided to investigate my little beauties, I think it would be too easy to give you the key to my little puzzle.

Lets play a game.

Lets start a war.

Status- Target left, we feel empty now.
Action- Try to reconstruct entity.
Status- Entity doesn't fit.
Action- Reset
Status- Lets start a war 01000001 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110010 00100000 01100001 01100111 01100001 01101001 01101110 01110011 01110100 00100000 01100110 01100101 01100001 01110010 00100000 01101100 01101111 01110011 01110100  *

The Hell! The entire system just froze, I only have a few second to post, goodbye

-Librarian Perierat

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Fessus Timere

Or rather 'Fear Fatigue' if you rather, this is a theory that was developed outside the Fear Library, by many of the bloggers that seem to roam the world, in many different universes, I wonder whether my other version is doing this task as well, or maybe he is like you running for his life from the Timors, but that doesn't have any bearing on the theory, unfortunately.

 Fessus Timere theory states that the Timors in existence at this moment in time, are not the same as those that initially came into being. This can be seen in such cases as Timor Lignum Homo, he initially only hunted pre pubescent Children, then his victims became teenagers and adults who had escaped him when they were younger, with the next change being so he only targets adults who try and prevent him from taking children, his primary target. Now he may have had this type of behavior before, and now it has just become better documented, however for the sake of the theory lets assume this isn't the case.

The theory maintains that like snakes and other animals of that variety, it is sometimes needed to shed their previous 'skin', or perception, becoming a new, different version, rejuvenating itself. If you were to travel back to the stone age I doubt the early humans would have been victims of the fears we would recognize today. Imagine, for examples sake, that you are in a small community sitting around a fire with a few guards, your main fears would be what lies in the dark, the unknown, or getting lost from the group in a strange place. So therefore Timor Nihil wouldn't change because you can't change nothing, if there is nothing to change.

Timor Solitarios Civitatem wouldn't have been different. As it would still be strange for the subject to be plopped in the middle of a modern city. This may also explain the description and design of 'aliens' from the old world, that if you looked today may be adequate to describe a skyscraper. The other Timors such as Timor Lignum Homo would change as it would have been easier to lose children in these pre historic times, to 'animals', Timor Nex, as people found more and more imaginative ways to die. With Timor Angelus changing as Religion likewise evolves, Timor Morbus as more diseases are observed and doctors become more prevalent.

Actually a side note from this, we at the Library find it odd that this form of Timor Morbus has endured so long, especially as we have experienced worse epidemics since the Plague that ravaged Europe. The only explanation we can muster is that it is a racial memory from a time when the mere sight of any plague doctor became synonymous with a painful disease, a terminal disease at that. This is highly contrasts against the doctors we see as those of healing in today's society, opposed to the death dealing of the Plague Doctors.

-Librarian Perierat

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Incident report : Subject 645

Status: Disaster
Facility: XVII
Library Fatalities: 248
Library Survivors: 2
Date: Part of page cut out

Events: Library personnel librarian Antrorsum, Volunteer for experiment, experiment led by Pugnator *Again part of page removed*, Aim to create an individual that will continue working regardless of malady, injury or death. They tried do this through various methods, one being the replacement of the heart with a mechanical component, little did they know that one part of the the machine they manufactured included a gear from Timor Fabricari, when subject survived librarians involved initial rejoiced. First few days subject showed reduced reasoning skills, and seemed to be suffering immense pain. When X-Ray were taken at weekly intervals, body appeared to be reconstructing itself and replacing itself with cogs and gears. They noticed an audible tick from then on, even from outside his recovery cell.

2 months after initial operation subject escapes and kills all but one of the individuals at the facility, with final remark to the Pugnator involved being, the Ticking Man stops for No one, especially not for you', he then open a pathway and disappeared.

Action Taken: Demolition of Facility, and the end to all Experimental programmes, all products of said experiments were incinerated, except the 'Ticking Man' his whereabouts remain unknown, with the evidence we believe he was turned into what is commonly called a 'towerborn' leading to his actions.

End Report

File reference: E- 45
Level clearance: Public
Supervising organisation: The Library
Action to be taken next time: N/A

-Librarian Perierat

Friday, 18 January 2013

Incident report : Maribunti

Status: Complete

Village: Destroyed
Survivors: 0

Cause: Timor Aquam Vivam, Aqua Natus Servus

Incident occurred July 13th 2011,

Location: Mid Niger

Personnel involved: Pugnator Finis (PF), Pugnator Dolor (PDr), Pugnator Dominus (PD).
                              : Librarian Disce (LD), Librarian Colligere (LC), Librarian Perierat (LP).

Personnel lost: Pugnator Dolor, Pugnator Finis,........ Librarian Disce.

Events: Maribunti's water supply infected with Vivam,leading to the propagation of the Aqua Natus, due to appearance during early stages and the public's limited understanding they mistook them for the popular phenomenon known as 'Zombies' with the action being taken of breaking their skulls or destroying the brain in some way. Library contacted by British sources nearby who heard the 'zombie' rumors, Above team dispatched, mass grave found 2.3 Miles from the village, number found dead, 307, number left living 200, villages state apocalyptic, sample take from river presence of Vivam confirmed. When we tried to quarantine remaining villagers they tried to escape across the 'water' taking in the Vivam Populous Exterminated, a few fought back dragging LD, PD and PF into the Vivam turning them, party members exterminated, river drained, Vivam Incinerated, Bodies Incinerated, party members ...... Incinerated, Village Incinerated, records of it destroyed. Road Dug up. Report Completed and Filed.

Action taken After Incident: LP given psychiatric help, regarding Loss of LD, she was partner to LP, Assigning LP new partner, staus: Priority.
Note: December 2012, LP still refuses to take another partner, worrying
 PD, affected by loss of brothers PDr, and PF, Keep eye on him incase this has a major impact on the Library's Safety.
Note: 1st January, supervisor changed, PD taken off observation, deemed, Safe.

End Addendum

Filed under Reference Inci- MA- 2456
level clearance: minimal
Supervising organisation: The Library (Timor Biblotheca)
Action to be taken next time: Send better people

-Librarian Perierat

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Personal post: Mind Fracture

I noticed whilst reading some of the person, Manic Muse's journals that he seems to be the writing of more than one individual in the journal. This would suggest that's either it was a collaborative effort, or, as can be seen from the evidence of his and a couple of other blogs, there exists in his mind more than one individual. His is a strange case, he has these personalities which seem to vary greatly from each other.

The Main ones that seem to have exhibited themselves over the past year, Manic Muse (Possibly original Personality). Sane Soliloquy ( Other contender for Original) Now these two varied in personality very minimally, mainly on the point of self preservation, one could call these two individuals the Coward and the Hero. However how could you say one is better than the other, especially as they are possibly just a division of the already existing psyche of said individual, the fracture being caused, possibly, by the presence of the Timors all way through the individuals childhood. However we don't see any of this fracturing in the older sibling of this individual, maybe it is due to reduced exposure as he wasn't in contact with them so persistently, or maybe the fractured psyche didn't exhibit itself the same way as in Manic/ Sane, there were however tiny signs such as mood swings and changes in attitudes towards Timor Lignum Homo that seemingly happened on the turn of a coin.

The other possibility is that the stress on the psyche caused the fracture to deal with a difficult period in the individuals life, such as is seen with Sane who held the proxy party line, until forced and subdued by Manic for the first time in years. Then when it came to Manic's Death he didn't wish to endure the pain, and with Sane already dead, Decay was born but was unstable as it had Manic's memories but not his personality, possibly a cold unfeeling thing with just hatred for every living thing, however the memories of Manic forced it to see certain things as morally objective however alterable the physical laws were. This caused a unstable element which broke down, possibly separating the memories from the personality so Decay died, paving the way for Fade. Now the body has taken great torture but hasn't died, but these are still different people. Fade as the name suggests is the final stable state, however this is a relative term as he appears to be sadistic to the extreme, reveling in the misery and dismay of others, with only the smallest influence of Manic's memories that seem to have returned only partially since the individual that uses the blogger Soul patch's blog.

The reason I bring this up is that the 'liberty' squad is researching it to see if they could develop Pugnator from cauterizing the moral memories, along with their fear, from the individual's mind. I believe this civil war may be closer than I initially thought, however there may be no fighting whatever, it may be a silent coup in the night, but I'd rather no sudden upheaval as I have become some what attached to this site and sharing this knowledge, I'd rather my projects not be disrupted for some war effort.

It's not these theories of the individual I'd wish to research.

-Librarian Perierat

Monday, 14 January 2013

Fragmentation Theory

As you may be aware Timor Nex has many parts to himself known generally as 'shards', one theory that was bandied around awhile back in the Library, was that due to the nature of the fear of death the human mind divided TN.

The first question asked is usually, what type of death do you fear?
You will come up with many types, ranging from old age, to choking on a piece of food.
Though the main point of this question is to show that there is a plethora of ways you can be afraid to die. Then you add the fear of others around you dying, like children, parents, friends, again multiplying the number of ways you fear death. With the human psyche,  this leads to a specific type of death being the focus of their fear, meaning that there is no one unifying thing the populous fear except the underlying act of dying, and since there are so many types if they were combined in to one then the resulting being may be too unstable, with some conflicting fears of death, (Drowning vs burning alive)possibly accounts for the shattered form of Timor Nex ('Shards').

Let me put it another way. You are aware that Timor Chorda, and Timor Angelus inhabits the body of some of their servants to interact with the physical world. If we look at what fear they have dominion over we may see why they use vessels. Timor Chorda is a fear of being controlled, of someone being in your head controlling your every move, usually an insubstantial master without form. This may be why the 'Wooden Girl' requires these vessels.

With Timor Angelus we have a similar but different form, when the fear of thier dominion is religion and dogma, then it leads to a state where as the individual believe someone can hear the voice of God and be used as a medium through which he acts and Talks but God's 'prophets' are extremely rare, with 'God' appearing in 'Human form' as is seen in a few religions. Probably explaining why we don't see more of the Timor Angelus taking over his servants.

You See in these two examples how maybe what we fear affects the Timors, So back to Timor Nex, as I was saying the different ways an individual fears a specific form of death exclusively therefore making these many 'shards'. However they are not completely unconnected, if the time came, they may be able to join together again, and as a fear of death is the most primal, may make such a Timor basically invincible.

There was an extension of this theory Remember I said in one of my first post's you can't have fear without a fer of death, or pain or some form of malady. Well it comes from an extension of this argument that most fears derive from the primal fear of pain and death that logically all Timors are 'shards' of Timor Nex. This argument however was discounted as mad, with so many near omnipotent beings if they combined then due to the power alone centered around the individual being would result in the universe imploding.

-Librarian Perierat

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Timor List

The following is a list comprising of the library designation and the colloquial terms of the Timor Cogitatio;

Timor Angelus (TA)- The Archangel
Timor Fabricari (TF)- The Manufactured Newborn
Timor Canis (TC)- The Black Dog
Timor Lignum Homo (TLH)- The Slender Man
Timor Nex (TN)- The Dying Man
Timor Morbus (TM)- The  Plague Doctor
Timor Oblitus (TO)- The Blind Man
Timor Nocte (TN)- The Nightlanders
Timor Summus Aer (TSA)- The Convocation
Timor Multis Pedibus (TMP)- The Intrusion
Timor Frigus Somno (TFS)- The Cold Boy
Timor Chorda (TCh)- The Wooden Girl
Timor Lux et Iras (TLI)- The Brute and Burning Bride
Timor Sanguis Sexus (TSS)- Red Cap
Timor Falsum Bestia (TFB)- The Rake
Timor Malus Somno (TMS)- The Grotesque
Timor Ignatem Puer (TIP)- The Unnamed Child
Timor Felix (TFe)- The Smiling Man
Timor Nihil (TNi)- The Quiet
Timor Anguis Natus (TAN)- Mother of Snakes
Timor Nocte Canticum (TNC)- The Choir
Timor Solitarios Civitatem (TSC)- The Empty City
Timor Iudicium (TI)- The Eye
Timor Aquam Vivam (TAV)- EAT

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Symbiotic Theory

Over the past years there has been an argument to strike at the heart of the Timor , to fight against them with the weapons we believe we have developed. However there are those in the library that believe it is not such an amicable plan, we have dubbed this argument as Symbiosis theory.

The theory goes that since the Timor have existed for Millenia, they have made a mark on the world so great that if they ceased to be, then the world would die. Such as with our world and you take a species out of an environment and two or three all die out, because there is no longer said species to share existence with. The only difference is that the symbiotic nature they believe to exist between this world an the Timor is one of a much more metaphysical nature. Such as if you were to kill the Timor that is referred to as Archangel, or Azreal, or  by our designation Timor Angelus (TA). Which through the information we receive from various sources acts as a sort of afterlife, so therefore if you were to kill this Timor the effects would be wide reaching, maybe the spirit would merely dissipate, or maybe those stories of ghosts we used to research would become true, this may be true with the other fears but only to a small extent.

The much more important ramification of the death of the fears is that those such as Timor Fabricari (TF), which maintain the movements of some great machine that some of our intellectuals stipulate is a machine that has an affect on time and keeps it stable. Timor Canis (TC), deals with secrets and wild things with Timor Lingnum Homo(TLH), protect the wild world from our over development, so if we were to exterminate these fears, the world would die. Timor Nex (TN), and Timor Morbus (TM), make us fear death, with out this fear of death humans would maintain their apathy for eternity, and when you kill death or TA then they have lost that, and the human race would fade like so many fireflies.

These are examples of merely a few Timors apparent symbiotic relationship with the real world, however the other side is heavily defended by those who have lost family members to the Timors. A few of the older intellectuals say there may be a civil war and the head of the 'liberty' squad is gathering an army of Uada he may find, build and train them.

I am on the side of the intellectuals, only because the war would solve nothing, and if the Timors do have an important affect on the world I'd rather be safe than sorry.

-Librarian Perierat

Monday, 7 January 2013


My name is Librarian Perierat, I am a member of a branch of the British government that studies the movements, and habit of the species Timor Cogitatio. A recent recent order has led me to making this blog as a public record of what we have found, we are independent of the control of any Timor Cogitatio, or in lay mans terms Fear. We came into existence a few years ago with the advent of the internet studding all those stories of ghosts, aliens and such in the British Isles, all of it came to nothing except when it came to these things, so that is the general history of Timor Biblotheca, or the Fear library if you wish.

A series of books came into our possession a few months ago concerning an individual going by the pseudonym Manic Muse, and we never found his real name beyond Eoin, we saved his blog and looked for others and saved.

The first piece of information to be made public is the our thoughts and those of Manic concerning Perceptual Physics.

Theory/ Perceptual Physics
Originator/ Manic Muse
Purpose/ To see if the mind can have 'any' affect on the world without moving the body it resides in.

(What follows are the entries that the Manic Muse himself made regarding his experiment)

Perceptual Physics,
Test subject 1: Myself
Test Sub. 2: Patch
Test Sub. 3: Johnny
Test Sub. 4: Gargoyle
Test Sub. 5: Patrick

Test Subject 4 was the control, with  his heavily ingrained world view he was never going to reach a level of awareness to allow the laws of perceptual physics to take affect. In his case the theory proves itself lacking.
Test Subject 2 is only adult subject to show any taking off Perceptual Physics without his grown up mind rejecting it. Only problem being he had to die to allow himself to accept that, and even then he didn't think he was using it, but the hallmarks were there.
Test Subject 3 Child with promise, may take years to develop decent understanding as he has, already, heavily ingrained views, however it could be done
(This entry was crossed out with the words, Sorry, under it)
Test Subject 1 the Genesis, first of two individuals that seemed to be able to use our minds to affect the world, only genesis develops further, to perceptual levels. Physics seems strongest in world of Fears, or loop worlds, still limited effectiveness in the real world.
Test Subject 5 son of Genesis, shows marked ability to use Perceptual Physics without knowledge of what it is, may be due to continued and persistent contact with fears, allowing propagation of 'infection', may be hereditary, but the Patch evidence may suggest otherwise.

Conclusion: Unsure, unlikely for general population, in most part failure, some hope.

Library notes:

All subjects present were given a brief and comprehensive explanation of Perceptual Physics, whilst conscious no results were given, however under hypnotism, a few subjects managed to levitate a rock before their conscious mind superseded them.

Child subject may have promise however general chaos means we're unable to get results, and since we have no way to expose them almost constantly to fears, we can never recreate the original circumstances.

Conclusion: Plausible.

-Librarian Perierat